Survival Guide For This Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us, and for most people this season is probably the most stressfultime. It is easy to get caught up in the ‘stress’ of getting everything completed without findingtime for yourself to recharge. One thing you should know is that feeling stressed is normal,especially at this time of the year. But Holidays do not have to be something you dread. You cantake steps to avoid all negative emotions and savor this season. Here are a few tips to enjoythis special time:
1. Don’t Derail Your Fitness Routine
It’s easy to get cut up at the moment and drop exercise from our todo list. However, make sureyou find time for yourself and exercise. Not only will this help you burn excess calories and alsoboost your metabolism, but it will also help you keep fit mentally as well. Exercise is a greatstress reliever so commit yourself that you will continue to exercise through the holiday season.
2. Sleep
Well, this might sound funny to you, but you need to make sure that you get enough time tosleep so that your body get time to recharge. Due to the cold weather, you might be having ahard time getting enough sleep, so make sure you set the pace. Keep your home warm and nottoo cold so that the temperature can aid in your health and those all-important sleep patterns.
3. Take a Dose of what’s good for you
Take healthy foods like fruit, veg and supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals. Takingthe recommended dose of vitamin C staves off and shortens colds – ensuring that you’ve gotplenty of fruit juice in your house.
4. Learn to say No
Because its holiday season and you want to please or make everyone happy, does not meanyou should overuse yourself. We cannot do everything, and where it’s great to ensure you’redoing as much as you can, its also a good idea to know where to draw the line. Doing this willallow you to get time for yourself and also enjoy the holiday period.
5. Know when to Leave
If you are visiting anyone during this period, then you need to learn how to judge the mood andknow when to make your exit, because there is nothing worse than the guest who won’t leave.Don’t let the important stuff sneak up on your – plan and be pro-active about it. The key here isto increase our ability to cope; to take control where we can and be more at choice about howwe respond to stress.